
 admin   2023-12-12 19:01   53 人阅读  0 条评论

十小时天气预报案 翻译如下 我们就可以有更多的机会去实现梦想。 We are allowed to have more chances to realize our dreams. 重点词汇 更多more; still more 机会opportunity; chance 实现

冬装收纳盒diy案 we are strong enough to realize our dream

中度干旱的田间持水量案 梦想就是动力. Dream is motivation . /Dream is motive power.

疫情明细表案 try to have the dream to be true

暴雨过后为什么通信会中断案 make your dream come true realize your dream turn your dream into reality fulfil a dream

女性53岁更年期注意啥事项案 .realize one's dream

电气自动化专业学什么课程Have a dream, have the power

哪些植物会耐干旱环境养殖realize one's dream 望采纳。

直播助农创新案 有这个梦想,动力挺不错的,翻译成英文就是 Have this dream, power is fairly good


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