
 admin   2023-11-17 14:01   62 人阅读  0 条评论

湖北节能保温材料现货价take a walk/go for a walk/walk/promenade

晶艺达饰品案 A walk along the river bank, the cool breeze slowly, reluctantly bid farewell, gurgling water, birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, let a person feel fresh, mosey place

南昌的冬天好冷案 Travelling is also a kind of very fine sport and good to heath.Going outdoor can bring you beautiful scene,fresh air and the chance of making friends.Before your travelling,you

qt获得日历案 你好!这道题选择B选项。原因take a walk是个动词短语,不能与动词cross连用,故C选项排除;over 从空中穿过,例如The plane fly over the park.故A选项排除;

10分邮多少案 take a walk,go for a walk,go for a stroll,这三个英语短语都可以表示散步的意思。例句说明,Shall we take a walk?Shall we go for a stroll?咱们去散步怎么样?

塔罗牌占卜师拉黑案 zdWe saw many beautiful scenes as we walked along the West Lake. We also ate a lot of delicious food and at last we took many awesome photoes. This was really a

珠海产品设计比赛案 乓静态变量会不会被创建?在平凡中感知不平凡,在简单中构筑自己的梦想,我想又有什么样的困难不能够克服呢?厦沿

孕妇吃花胶炖鸡脚案 去散步 Go for a walk 看上去一样 Look the same 满意请采纳,谢谢! 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解!

大茶杯加盟多少案 散步 [简明汉英词典] take a walk go for a walk walk promenade


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