
 admin   2023-11-20 18:01   75 人阅读  0 条评论

2015年FW秋冬系列案 My family consists of three members. They are my father, my mother and myself. My father likes badminton and jogging. He wants the whole family to jog together every

跑步对睡眠的改变我和父母、哥哥一起晨练 自从上了初中以后,我就经常不下楼,整天窝在家里,就算发呆也不愿下楼。以至于后来有一次跑步拉伤了肌肉。我妈看到我这样,就找到我,

孕妇妆和普通妆的区别案 我的爸爸正在跑步 英文My father is running.

巨蟹座男和天秤座男性格案 I was running with my father yesterday.我昨天和我的爸爸一起跑步

宠物羊美国案 Go running Two years ago,my body isn't health.My P.E teacher say about exercise to me. Now my body is very heathy.I want to keep my heathy.And i belive my derm can


女明星为啥都是长头发的案 join in the running race 参加跑步比赛。 join 英 [dʒɔɪn] 美 [dʒɔɪn] vt.& vi. 加入;参加;连接;联结 vt. 参与;结合;上(火车、飞机等);上(路) n. 连接;结合;

中年女性秋冬护肤品案 我的爸爸个子不高,只有1.70。但是挺胖的,皮肤黝黑。他平常喜欢看新闻,看比赛。爸爸最喜欢打乒乓,而且技术还挺好。他不抽烟,但是会喝酒。他对我们很好

做微信小程序需要多少案 This afternoon, our PE teacher for a running race. The game play to group have two people. I came in front of a dozen students than finished, it's my turn and another

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